June (83 new species)
Wed 1st
Thu 2nd
Fri 3rd
Sat 4th Cephus spinipes (sawfly) at home
Sun 5th Liophloeus tessulatus (weevil) at home
Mon 6th
Tue 7th Aedes caspius (mosquito) swept in the alder wood at The Nunnery
Wed 8th
Thu 9th
Fri 10th Herniaria glabra (Smooth Rupturewort) finally ticked off on a verge
in Thetford.
Sat 11th My first new bird of the year, Acrocephalus arundinaceus (Great Reed Warbler) was twitched at
Little Paxton gravel pits. Later that day, a good selection of new species at
Barnack Hills & Holes with Ryan Clark: Aceras
anthropophorum (Man Orchid), Cerastium
pumilum (Dwarf Mouse-ear), Cryptocephalus
fulvus (leaf beetle), Euheptaulacus
villosus (dung beetle), Lasius
alienus (ant), Urophora jaceana
(picture-winged fly) and Microbotryum
violaceum (campion smut).
Sun 12th A short bramble lesson from Alex Prendergast at
Burrfeld Park in Tasburgh provided Rubus
armeniacus, Rubus ulmifolius and Rubus
vestitus, along with welcome find of Volucella
inflata (hoverfly). Walked from there to Ashwellthorpe Wood where Byturus ochraceus (beetle) was the only
Mon 13th After work trip to Winks Meadow to
finally sort out Dactylorhiza viridis
(Frog Orchid) after failing to find it here last year.
Tue 14th
Wed 15th
Thu 16th Crossocerus pusillus (solitary wasp) flew into the house
Fri 17th Drove up to Holkham after
work for pan-species listers’ get-together weekend. At dusk, walk down Lady
Anne’s Drive produced Opomyza
germinationis (fly), Aphodius
sticticus (dung beetle in horse dung), Clubiona
corticalis, Harpactea hombergi and Tetragnatha
obtusa (spiders).
Sat 18th Tried and failed for Hornet Clearwing first thing,
but after breakfast, driven up to Meals House to start our walk, where we
quickly added Scrophularia vernalis
(Yellow Figwort), Anchusa officinalis
(Alkanet) and Narycia monilifera
(psychid moth). We then cut through the pines, finding Malthinus flaveolus (soldier-beetle), Othius punctulatus (rove beetle) and Monotropa hypopitys (Yellow Bird’s-nest) on the way before coming
out to the dunes. Under some driftwood on the beach we found Armadillidium album, Broscus cephalotes and Calathus mollis (ground beetles), as
well as a Natterjack Toad.
Sweeping the dunes was productive, as
we found two of our key targets, the marram-inhabiting Dactylochelifer latreillei (pseudoscorpion) and the highly
localised Clanoptilus barnevillei
(beetle), alongside Neophilaenus
campestris (froghopper), Sinodendron
cylindricum (Rhinoceros Beetle), Lasius
psammophilus (ant), Xerolycosa
miniata (spider) and Urophora stylata
(picture-winged fly). We then made our way west alongside the dune/plantation
edge, where a highlight was the impressive Ontholestes
murinus (rove beetle) under a dead Mallard, as well as Cydia conicolana (tortrix moth), Hemerobius stigma (lacewing) and Thereva bipunctata (stiletto fly). At the far end of the pines we
found a spindle infested with larval webs of Yponomeuta cagnagella (micro moth). We then headed back east on the
landward side of the pines and further added Microcara testacea and Ochina
ptinoides (beetles), Rhagoletis
alternata (picture-winged fly) and Symplecta
stictica (cranefly).
Back at Hill Farm (where we camping),
Nicola Bacciu found us the fantastic Polyxenus
lagurus (Bristly Millipede) on the lichen-covered wall of a barn. After
dark, some of us then headed right back out to the west end of the pines to
join in with a separate Norfolk Moth Survey meeting. This was actually
disappointing with very few moth species in evidence. However, new species
encountered at light were Caryocolum
marmoreum (gelechid moth), Rhamphomyia
barbata (empid fly), Tipula
fascipennis (cranefly) and Ophion
crassicornis (ichneumon wasp).
Sun 19th Another failed attempt at dawn for Hornet Clearwings!
After breakfast we were generously driven by Andy Bloomfield out to Burnham
Overy Dunes, which saved us a fair hike! We had an extremely productive morning
out here. We first spent time on the saltmarsh, which netted me a hatful of new
species: Pseudaplemonus limonii
(striking colourful weevil), Uromyces
limonii (rust on sea lavender), Myosotella
myosotis (Mouse-eared Snail), Orchestia gammarellus (amphipod
underneath strandline litter), Dicheirotrichus
gustavii (carabid beetle), Enoplognatha
mordax, Episinus angulatus
(spiders), Cassida vittata (Bordered
Tortoise Beetle), Tasgius ater (rove
beetle), Dolichosoma lineare
(beetle), Anoplius infuscatus and Pompilus cinereus (spider-hunting
We then moved onto the dunes in the
vain hope (Bill Urwin’s hope really) of finding Dune Tiger Beetle. We didn’t,
but in the flowery flat areas between the dunes we came across Agrotis ripae (Sand Dart), Hoplia philanthus (Welsh Chafer), Gastrophysa polygoni (leaf beetle), Meligethes carinulatus (pollen beetle), Sitticus saltator (jumping spider) and Orthocerus clavicornis (a beetle with
crazy antennae!) In this area it was great to meet up with Andy Brown and Steve
Lane, and I then ended up walking back to Holkham Pines with them, benefitting
particularly from Steve’s eagle eyes and encyclopaedic beetle knowledge. New
species along this stretch were Lathyrus
heterophyllus (Norfolk Everlasting Pea, naturalised on the dunes), Onthophagus similis (dung beetle under
dog dirt), Tachysphex nitidus
(solitary wasp), Aphodius foetidus
(dung beetles under dead rabbit), Atomaria
lohsei (beetle) and Nitidula
bipunctata (beetle under dead Mallard). A great weekend in the company of
some great naturalists.
Mon 20th
Tue 21st
Wed 22nd
Thu 23rd
Fri 24th I found the hippoboscid fly Crataerina hirundinis on the front wall
of our house, clearly out of the House Martin nest above.
Sat 25th Took
Tom to a university open day in York so as payment we popped in to see Chrysolina graminis (Tansy Beetle) by
the river.
Sun 26th
Mon 27th Found the small fly Scenopinus fenestralis in my office at The
Tue 28th
Wed 29th
Whilst doing my BBS square at
Kenninghall I found Bembidion femoratum
(ground beetle) just walking around on soil in arable field.
Thu 30th Dawn Balmer called me in to see
a fly on her desk at work, which proved to be Ornithomya avicularia, my second hippoboscid fly in a week!